by Peter Wolf | Evaluating CRM
Dynamics 365 as a “Digital Transformation” Microsoft wasn’t kidding when it touted Dynamics 365 ahead of its early-October debut. Set to take down Salesforce with artificial intelligence and new business applications, it will be rolled out beyond beta...
by Peter Wolf | Evaluating CRM
With Cat-Like Reflexes and Dynamics CRM, How You Can Stalk New Sales Your company is always on the prowl for new prospects. So how can you make sales prospecting easier? The challenge increases in industries with long sales cycles. And, no industry can avoid...
by Peter Wolf | Evaluating CRM
CRM Adoption Is Affordable for SMBs, Too The cloud increases accessibility to CRM users at an affordable price. So why is CRM adoption just 10% to 15% among companies of all sizes? Unfortunately CRM vendors have not educated corporate America enough on the...