Brian’s Advanced Find – A CRM Parody Short
Peter and Mariam are heading to Las Vegas for a professional conference. All they need now is a list of their Nevada clients. Join Brian for a not-so-advanced find in this CRM parody short!
Peter and Mariam are heading to Las Vegas for a professional conference. All they need now is a list of their Nevada clients. Join Brian for a not-so-advanced find in this CRM parody short!
CRM pundit Mariam has punched up her emails thanks to the Outlook CRM plugin, but Brian’s pungent email punts are becoming office punchlines. Join his quest for the CRM plugin that will make him punstoppable!
Discover how campaigns in Microsoft Dynamics 365 can enhance your marketing efforts and increase profitability. Join Mariam to learn the basics and benefits of campaigns, and give your business a boost in 2017!