Angels with Filthy CRM 2 – A CRM Security Parody Short
Go for a jaunt down Business Process Flow Blvd with Angels with Filthy CRM II: Contact Confidential, a CRM security parody by QuantaCRM!
Go for a jaunt down Business Process Flow Blvd with Angels with Filthy CRM II: Contact Confidential, a CRM security parody by QuantaCRM!
Take a lesson from the ultimate Customer Service Nightmare, a CRM service parody short by QuantaCRM. Don’t live in a nightmare of note cards and irate customers!
Welcome to Brian in the Field, the CRM parody that sees Brian bringing you an existential look at life with–and without–CRM from fabulous locations across the universe!
Take a trip to the Land of Long-Ago in a time that Never-Was for a quick peek at a short-lived CRM Sitcom starring a few familiar faces: the Channel Q crew!
Do you need a CRM personalization hero? Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird…It’s a plane…It’s…a CRM personalization parody by QuantaCRM!